We understand that managing risk is essential to the success of your business. We offer a wide range of risk management solutions which can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Risk Management Solutions
Financial Markets Division / Risk Management Solutions
To manage your FX exposures, there is an array of FX Tools that can help to protect against FX Volatility and secure a future FX conversion rate. Some of our products offer enhanced FX protection rates compared to FX Forward.
For your interest rate exposure, whether from a debt security, loan or investment, we offer customized IR protection structures that can mitigate any fixed or variable rate exposures. Subject to views, we can also provide protection through caps or floor rates
For your commodity exposures, whether for the purchase of oil or softs, we may help in managing your financial risk associated with the underlying price movement from our commodity tool set. These involve zero cost structures like Swaps and Collars or alternatively providing Commodity Option protection against a premium.
If you are running some exposure from your underlying investment portfolio, and worried about market swings or some looming risks, we may help in providing you protection from our hedge structures to safeguard your capital. Some of the tools available are Index-Based or specific entity named Option Structures and CDS.
Structuring Desk